Monday, October 20, 2008

Research paper

Write a blog about the subject(s) you'd like to research for your Report paper. What academic topic interests you? Why? What has inspired you to write about that topic? What research have you done so far? Is this a field in which you're already becoming an expert, or are you just starting out? What are your plans for learning more? Do you have any ideas for "primary" research (observations, interviews, surveys) you can conduct?

For my research paper I plan to write about hooping. I think it will be a more fun research paper than all the heavy stuff that is out there to write about. I have become interested in hooping and think that it will be a good way to learn about it more. There are so many sites on hooping now because it has made such a come back into popularity. I have looked into those as well as the academic search premier at the libraries' web page. I will be looking for books on the subject but i am afraid that might be harder because it is a newer and up and coming event that people have been starting to get into. I have taken several classes for hooping and know a little bit about it but there is still much more that i can learn such as where it originated and when and the differences between hooping and hula hooping. I am not sure how to approach my subject, i dont know yet what my thesis should be about. If i should say that it is a great way to let out steam, exercise, or like i just talked about if i should talk about the ways it originated into waht it is now. or if i should incorperate all of these things into my paper. For my primary research i plan to interview my instructor that i have had for hooping and ask her about how she became a hooper and then an instructor and what she had to do for that. also to answer other questions such as if it is a good work out routine and other ways it can benefit you.

1 comment:

Ms. Brown said...

Fascinating subject. For now, work on amassing as much research as you can to be sure you have enough content to go with--it's origins, its "rules" if there are any, the skills it requires, the ways it works the body, how you become an instructor, etc--and as you work on the report hopefully you will begin to discover how to turn it into an argument.