Monday, December 1, 2008

I. Write a narrative about your experience in this class, reflecting on your growth as a writer and/or as a class member, the whole class's progress, the evolution of class relationships (to writing and to each other), or any combination thereof. While humor and sarcasm are welcome stylistic techniques, merciless bashing of self or others will not be tolerated. Use your judgment when deciding whether to 'name names.'

I transfered to IUS at the beginning of this semester, and thought my English career was already over. I previously went to Ball State and took two English classes there, though somehow one of them did not transfer. I was ultimately bummed out that I would have to take another. I tried to stay positive though and figure that this will be an easy way to keep up my grade, improve my writing and maybe even learn something or meet new people.
I hope that I have shown improvement in my writing, though I don't seem to see much. I always have problems writing papers, especially with knowing how to begin and end a paper. Now having three different English classes, they tell you different things and it is hard to keep that all straight. I hope that in this class I have maintained a decent grade, It was hard for me to stay motivated on my work, knowing that I had done the work already. At least in my perspective.
I feel like the class was a very welcoming and open community. Everybody got along well and was able to voice their opinion's without much hesitation. Many times the class got too vocal and would stray away from the topic at hand. It was hard for me to focus that way and I would often not enjoy the little segways into other topics. I found that it was just wasting time and not giving much respect to the teacher often by interrupting her and not allowing her to continue with what she was saying. By the end of this class though, i have met people that I enjoy talking too and working with. I hope that I see some of them next semester and say hi and see how they are doing.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Blog #6: Arguing Without Fighting

Choose one of the following options:

1. Discuss your upcoming Argument paper. What did you learn from your Report that you can use? What possible claims can you make? What did you do well in the Report that you want to use and/or perfect in your Argument? What problems from your Report do you want to overcome in your Argument?


2. Discuss the evolution of your thinking on casinos and/or prostitution through our class debates. What did you discover on your own that either reinforced or changed your original position? What did you learn from your classmates? Did you hear any particularly persuasive arguments?

For my report I think I did a good job laying out the information on Alzheimer's disease. I told about how it was discovered and by who, I explained the effects of the disease and what one can do to try to help that, and I talked about what causes the disease as well as the effects. I am stuck now trying to figure out what to do for my proposal paper. I do not know what to argue and how. I think that all the information is very clear-cut and I dont know how to take it further. The only thing i can think of to argue for it is that people are not aware that it is turning into such an epidemic, but I'm not sure I can find the sources for the pros and cons of that statement.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Write a RANT about the acceptability or inacceptability of prostitution or casinos. Choose any side you like.


Argue that we should instead focus our class debates on drilling, religion in schools, welfare, or any other divisive issue you choose.

I think that one of the topics that I could get more interested in is whether to drill or not.

Personally I think that there should not be any drilling in Alaska. I think that there is only one natural wildlife like that and we should maintain it to the best of our ability. I also think that there are plenty of other options that we can lean towards. I am not even sure if we know how long the resources would last if we did drrill, so would it even be worth it? Most of our fuel that we use comes from the U.s. so we aren't especially dependent on foriegn oil right now.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Research paper

Write a blog about the subject(s) you'd like to research for your Report paper. What academic topic interests you? Why? What has inspired you to write about that topic? What research have you done so far? Is this a field in which you're already becoming an expert, or are you just starting out? What are your plans for learning more? Do you have any ideas for "primary" research (observations, interviews, surveys) you can conduct?

For my research paper I plan to write about hooping. I think it will be a more fun research paper than all the heavy stuff that is out there to write about. I have become interested in hooping and think that it will be a good way to learn about it more. There are so many sites on hooping now because it has made such a come back into popularity. I have looked into those as well as the academic search premier at the libraries' web page. I will be looking for books on the subject but i am afraid that might be harder because it is a newer and up and coming event that people have been starting to get into. I have taken several classes for hooping and know a little bit about it but there is still much more that i can learn such as where it originated and when and the differences between hooping and hula hooping. I am not sure how to approach my subject, i dont know yet what my thesis should be about. If i should say that it is a great way to let out steam, exercise, or like i just talked about if i should talk about the ways it originated into waht it is now. or if i should incorperate all of these things into my paper. For my primary research i plan to interview my instructor that i have had for hooping and ask her about how she became a hooper and then an instructor and what she had to do for that. also to answer other questions such as if it is a good work out routine and other ways it can benefit you.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

As a student searching for information and knowledge, do you think the proliferation of available resources is empowering? Or does it make you feel lost and confused? Not long ago, most sources were contained in a library--perhaps not as convenient as the internet connection in your own home, but tidy and manageable. Since more and more media outlets are available for our consumption (not only online, but in print sources and on television), many fear an inability to regulate and centralize information, while others are grateful that no single group can control our access to information. What do you think?

As a student I feel like the internet is a great source for information. With just a push of a button you can get any fact or figure or unknown oddity you can ever imagine. Often times though you have to make sure that what you are looking at is a valid source for information. This is where i think it becomes a daunting task. Lots of websites look legit and it is hard to tell what is actually a good source and what isn't. I understand that you need to look for the author and copyright date and the date last updated, but sometimes it is hard to find all the information. Sometimes one is provided but not all. does that mean it is not a reputable site for use?
I feel like the library and other sources are good ways of getting materials you need, but never as convienent as the internet, obviously. For me going to the library has always been intimidating. This big building with so many books i never know my way around and how to find the right book that I am looking for.
i think that although having a central group for holding information like the library is a good idea, now with all the different kinds of medias and information coming out it would be difficult for one place to hold all that. I do not think it is a bad thing that the information would be in a couple different locations, it just means that you have to hunt and peck a little harder when looking for the right source.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

To be a short story writer you have to be able to convey yourself as witty and humorous, sad and depressed all in a short amount of time. To get across to your reader the kind of emotion you want to express can be a very daunting task. I do not think that a writer of short stories would be considered lazy at all. I love reading short stories. maybe i am lazy because i'll read a book of short stories over a novel at times. Augesten Burrouhgs and David Sedaris are two short story essayist that i enjoy very much. I think what they do when they write is anything but lazy. The stories may be short but you are getting so much more when you read them. I think it is a small insight into this person's life and it is very intriguing.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Allison Patricia Schamaun was born April 9, 1987 to Greg and Vicki Schamaun in the small town of Greenville, OH. She lived there until she was 18 years old and then moved with her mother to New Albany, IN. She attended colleges at Ball State University and Indiana University Southeast. After graduating with a Bachelors in Fine Arts she moved out to Colorado where she explored opportunities in wildlife management and environmental studies. She spent her free time working as a free- lance artist working with products from the environment as well as recycled materials.
Ally is preceded in death by her mother and father and two sisters. Survivors include her brother, her husband of 45 years, daughter and son, and 3 grandchildren. She died from breathing complications in her sleep at age 86. There will be a service for the public 2-5 at Estes Chapel and a private burial for close family and friends immediately following.