Sunday, November 16, 2008

Blog #6: Arguing Without Fighting

Choose one of the following options:

1. Discuss your upcoming Argument paper. What did you learn from your Report that you can use? What possible claims can you make? What did you do well in the Report that you want to use and/or perfect in your Argument? What problems from your Report do you want to overcome in your Argument?


2. Discuss the evolution of your thinking on casinos and/or prostitution through our class debates. What did you discover on your own that either reinforced or changed your original position? What did you learn from your classmates? Did you hear any particularly persuasive arguments?

For my report I think I did a good job laying out the information on Alzheimer's disease. I told about how it was discovered and by who, I explained the effects of the disease and what one can do to try to help that, and I talked about what causes the disease as well as the effects. I am stuck now trying to figure out what to do for my proposal paper. I do not know what to argue and how. I think that all the information is very clear-cut and I dont know how to take it further. The only thing i can think of to argue for it is that people are not aware that it is turning into such an epidemic, but I'm not sure I can find the sources for the pros and cons of that statement.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Write a RANT about the acceptability or inacceptability of prostitution or casinos. Choose any side you like.


Argue that we should instead focus our class debates on drilling, religion in schools, welfare, or any other divisive issue you choose.

I think that one of the topics that I could get more interested in is whether to drill or not.

Personally I think that there should not be any drilling in Alaska. I think that there is only one natural wildlife like that and we should maintain it to the best of our ability. I also think that there are plenty of other options that we can lean towards. I am not even sure if we know how long the resources would last if we did drrill, so would it even be worth it? Most of our fuel that we use comes from the U.s. so we aren't especially dependent on foriegn oil right now.